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Scaffolding Transom Suppliers in UAE

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About Scaffolding Transom


The scaffolding transom is the horizontal piece that joins the ledgers. They are an important part of scaffolding systems because they give the building support and security. Transoms come in various lengths and weights to meet different support needs.


Different kinds of scaffolding transoms on the market exist, such as intermediate transoms, ledger transoms, and putlog transoms. Intermediate transoms support the scaffold, while ledger transoms connect the scaffold's ledgers. The ends of scaffold boards are held up by putlog transoms.


Scaffolding transoms are important to scaffolding systems because they give the frame support and security. They help spread the scaffold's weight out properly, making it less likely to fall down. Transoms also give workers a safe workplace and make it easy for them to move around the scaffold.


Many places in the UAE sell scaffolding transoms. Ascend Access Systems Scaffolding LLC is one of the main companies in the UAE that makes and sells scaffolding transoms. 


They have different lengths and weights of middle transoms to meet different scaffolding needs. The UAE Products Directory has a section called Construction & Real Estate Ladders & Scaffolding Scaffolding Accessories Scaffolding Transom. This is where you can find other sellers.


Scaffolding transoms are important to scaffolding systems because they give the frame support and security. They come in various types, lengths, and weights to meet support needs. When buying scaffolding transoms, buying from a respected company is important to ensure the product is safe and of good quality.


Frequently Asked Questions


1. What is a frame for scaffolding?

Ans: A scaffolding transom is part of a scaffolding system that keeps scaffold boards in place and cuts down on the number of clips needed.


2. What is a Kwikstage scaffolding transom? 

Ans: It is a type of scaffolding transom made of iron angle that fits well into V locks on Kwikstage standards. It can be galvanized by being dipped in hot water.


3. What is a support frame used for?

Ans: A scaffolding frame keeps scaffold boards in place and reduces the needed clips.


4. How is a return transom different from an intermediate transom?

Ans: A return transom is a type of scaffolding transom used to make a 90-degree angle in a scaffolding system. An intermediate transom is used to support scaffold boards between two standards.


5. What sizes of safety Cuplock platform frames are there?

Ans: The sizes of safety Cuplock scaffolding transoms depend on the plans or models the customer gives. The plant can make all sizes depending on the customer's wants.

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