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Clay Brick
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Location : Umm Al Quwain
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Red Bricks Suppliers in Dubai, UAE

Old Red Bricks Materials

Red brick is a strong type of construction block used for constructing buildings, factories and chimneys.These Old Red bricks are made with a mixture of clay and water. These bricks have been used since 10,000 years and are still used for construction purposes.

Cost of Classic Red Bricks

Red bricks cost a light more than cement brick as they add to higher value since it is created by a protective layer of soil. The price of red bricks ranges between 15 AED to 50 AED depending upon the size and pattern.

Difference between Red bricks and Cement bricks

Red bricks are highly resistant to fire whereas Cement bricks have limited fire resistance. Red bricks are heavier in weight than cement bricks which makes it a ideal choice for reduction of noise. Cement bricks are highly durable mostly used in home environments.

Recommended and best type of brick

The most recommended bricks are the First-class bricks as it is highly durable and of strongest quality. First class bricks are popular as they have a specific texture, shape and color.

Best type of Brick for House Construction

Burnt Clay Brick, also known as the classic Red Brick, is recommended and advised to be used for construction purposes as they have the finest quality and the ancient buildings which stays strong and popular even in the latest times were made using the Classic Red Bricks.

Popluar 5 brick types used

Some of the popular bricks which are used even today are:

  • Sand lime Brick
  • Burnt Clay Brick/Classic Red Brick
  • Fly Ash Clay
  • Engineering Bricks
  • Concrete Bricks

Affordable types of bricks

Concrete bricks or Engineering bricks are economic friendly and affordable than other types of bricks.

Standard size of Bricks

The Standard block sizes for walls shall be 40 ems long, 20 ems width and 20 ems in height.

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