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Fabric Feather Suppliers in UAE

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About Fabric Feather


“Fyind” is your one-stop online shop in the United Arab Emirates for high-quality fabric feathers. We have many different kinds of feathers for sale, such as ostrich feathers, peacock feathers, and more. Our feathers are great for making crafts, costumes, and other art.


We're proud to say that we only sell the best feathers at Fabric Feather. Our goods include:


  • Feathers of ostriches: Our ostrich feathers come in various colors and are sold in five packs. They are big and come in different sizes.
  • Peacock feathers: Our peacock feathers are a great way to give any project a touch of grace.
  • Turkey feathers come in different colors and sizes, making them great for various projects.
  • Rooster feathers: The feathers from our roosters are great for making costumes and other artistic projects.


We offer various services to our customers in addition to our high-quality goods. These things are:


  • Competitive prices for big orders: We have good prices for large orders.
  • Fast shipping: We can ship anywhere in the UAE quickly and reliably.
  • Custom orders: No matter how big or small your project is, we can help you find the right feathers.

Frequently Asked Questions


1. What is "Fabric Feather"? 

Ans: "Fabric Feather" is a term for different fabrics with designs or features that look like feathers. For example, it could be a fake fur fabric that feels like feathers or a fabric with a feather print or design.


2. What are some popular ways to use Fabric Feather? 

Ans: Fabric Feathers can be used for many things, such as furniture, drapes, home art, and fashion. It can be used to make curtains, throw pillows, and even clothes that make a statement.


3. Where can I find fabric feathers?

Ans: You can buy Fabric feathers from some stores, both online and in person. Fabric shops, stores that sell home decor, and online markets like Etsy are all popular places to look.


4. What are some popular types of Fabric Feathers?

Ans: Popular types of Fabric feathers include fake fur fabrics with textures that look like feathers, fabrics with feather prints or patterns, and fabrics with designs that look like feathers, like feather fans or flower vines.


5. How to care for Fabric Feathers on the type of fabric?

Ans: Generally, it's best to clean and care for things the way the maker says to. Some materials can be washed in a washing machine, while others need to be dry cleaned or cleaned only in certain spots.

Fabric Feather Suppliers in UAE

Our Website Fyind provides a ellaborative list of suppliers in the UAE that creates different types of fabric feathers. The unique design of the feathers can be used in a variety of applications. You can get in touch with our suppliers for to know about the cost details and the unique properties of Fabric feathers. These feathers are also available in diverse shades and patterns.

Fabric Feathers Distributors in UAE

With their softness, bright shine and sophistication, feather fabric has captivated audiences for centuries. These fabrics are used in a variety of applications, from high-class fashion design to elegant home décor, these fabrics add a touch of luxury and drama to any creation. But the world of feathers is vast and diverse, offering many options that will match your specific needs and aesthetic preferences. So, let’s embark on a journey to explore different types of feather dresses, to explore their unique qualities and the magic they bring to the creative fabric.

Types of Feather Fabric

Ostrich feathers are the undisputed kings of the feather fabric, loved for their bright, silky feathers and stunning sheen. Their long, thick fibres create dramatic sounds and vivid images, making them suitable for applications such as evening gowns, theatrical costumes and fancy boas. Ostrich feathers are available in diverse colours, from black and white to bright colours like emerald green and pink, offering endless possibilities for expression.

Peacock Fabric Feather

Peacock feathers, with their amazing eyes and classic colours, are the epitome of fascination and wonder. Their intricate patterns and vibrant colours make them a desirable fabric for high-end fashion, couture pieces and fine home decor. Peacock feathers are often used sparingly, as their impressive presence can easily dominate the design.

Turkey Fabric Feather

Turkey feathers are an amazing and economical choice in the realm of fabric feathers. With their elongated and airy strands, they produce a mesmerizing texture that rivals ostrich feathers, but with a more understated shimmer. The array of colours available in turkey feathers makes them a versatile option for adorning attire, adding accents, or even enhancing bed covers.

Toucan Fabric Feather

Toucans, with their vibrant colours and unique edge-like features, add a natural warmth to any creature. Their bold colours and playful patterns make them ideal for children’s clothing, whimsical home decor and playful artwork.

Applications of Fabric feathers

  • Haute Couture and Evening Wear: Feather fabrics add dramatic volume and elegance to dresses, hats and statement pieces. The Ostrich's feathers is used for creating fluffy patterns.

  • Free Spirit and Festive Fashion: Rooster feathers instill the courage to play with colours and their bright patterns, perfect for bohemian-inspired clothing, and accessories.

  • Lingerie and Nightwear: Marabou feathers [a black and white African bird] have a lovely feel in lingerie and sleepwear, creating soft patterns and subtle visual interest.

  • Shoes and Accessories: Feathers can be added to shoes, bags and headwear, adding unique styles and a playful touch.

  • Wall Hangings and Tapestries: Large panels of feather feathers can be used as wall hangings, creating the same space with their bright and flowing shapes.

  • Lamps and Chandeliers: Marabou feather lamps diffuse light beautifully, and add a beautiful look to your room. Peacock feathers can be used for appealing and eye-catching lamp shades.

  • Mixed Media Art and Crafts: Fabric feather can be used in collages, mixed media artwork, and decorative objects, adding a natural touch and textural dimension.

  • DIY projects and home decor accents: Fabric feather can be used to create unique decorative items such as throws, pillows and wall hangings, adding a personalized touch to your home.

Care and Cleaning of Fabric feather:

  • Gentle Dust: Fabric feather are prone to collecting dust. To avoid damaging the delicate thread, use a soft microfiber cloth or feather duster to remove surface dirt gently.

  • Spot Cleaning: For minor spills or stains, work quickly. Wash the affected area with a clean, damp cloth dipped in warm water with foam. Avoid harsh chemicals or detergents, as these can damage the feathers.

  • Handwashing: For lightly soiled fabric feather, handwashing is recommended. Fill a sink with lukewarm water and a mild detergent suitable for delicates. Submerge the fabric gently and swish it around, avoiding any aggressive scrubbing. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and squeeze out excess moisture, but avoid twisting or wringing.

  • Dry Cleaning: For delicate or valuable fabric feather, professional dry cleaning is the safest option. Ensure the dry cleaner is experienced with handling feather materials and understands your specific fabric's needs. After cleaning the feather, the fabric should be air-dried. Follow the care label on your fabric feather for specific cleaning instructions. Different types of feathers may require different approaches.

Cost of Fabric feather

The Cost of fabric feathers ranges from 50 to 100 AED depending on the number of feathers available in a pack. One of the highly recommended suppliers which offers attractive ostrich feathers is Abdul Razzaq Mohiddin Abdulla Trading Establishment located in Dubai and Ajman.

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